3 Fun Things to Do During Earth Hour
My mum was a midwife and she still claims that nine months after a powercut there would be a local babyboom. I guess
entertainment options are limited when there is no electricity and the TV doesn’t work.
That will be the case this Saturday (8:30pm, March 19) when we turn off our lights for Earth Hour here in Australia. But just because there’s no electricity doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.
Wondering what Earth Hour is?
Earth Hour was started by the World Wildlife Fund and it’s the world’s largest environmental initiative to get public support for action on climate change. It’s a simple concept where everyone goes without electricity for one hour.
3 fun things to do during Earth Hour
1. Stay home, light some candles and play hide and seek. My kids loved doing this when they were little. Kiara aged 11 will still be right into it but Luke and Max aged 14 and 17, not so much.
2. Go for a night walk somewhere safe. It’s cool and spooky at the same time. We may spot possums in our neighbourhood. Everyone can get involved and you can turn it into a social event by dragging your neighbours along. Just make sure you’re in a safe area. Or you could try mindful walking if you want a more zen experience.
3. Er, well I think I mentioned that already at the beginning of the story. You’ll need a partner and it’s suitable for adults only.
More about Earth Hour and how you can get involved
Earth Hour is all about people power. It’s about communities joining together to show that we care about our precious natural environment. If you can join us, you’ll be playing an important role in making Earth Hour a powerful global movement.
Last year before the Paris climate talks I joined a paddle out to protest against climate change. You can find out more about climate change and the need to raise awareness about it in the video below.
During our paddle out it felt so good to be part of the global movement towards a better, safer and fairer future that I wanted to do the same for the World Wildlife Fund and help them raise awareness for Earth Hour.

Get involved with Earth Hour
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Anything that reduces fossil fuel consumption should be emphasized on Earth Hour day … this is how we fight climate change!