43 Australian Travel Blogs and Bloggers to Watch in 2013
At the end of last year I created a list of 25 Australian Travel Blogs and Bloggers and asked people to suggest their own blogs or other Australian travel blogs. 97 comments later it’s time for me to update the list with a few new rules:
- The travel bloggers must be based in Australian but not necessarily Australian. Some people have been taken off the list because they’ve moved away from Australia to New York, China or even England (crazy people).
- They must be personal travel blogs so no offence but the Bootsnall blog got the boot.
- You need to be an active travel blogger – one or two Australian travel bloggers may have even stopped blogging or haven’t updated their blogs for ages so I took them off the list.
However, many new travel blogs (or new to me) have been added so the list has grown to 43 and is now in alphabetical order just to emphasise they’re not listed from best to worst.
The Australian travel bloggers list is a work in motion because these travel bloggers are slippery fish and, in some cases, it was hard to tell exactly where the travel blogger lived. If anywhere, because that’s what traveler bloggers are like.
So here’s the big list:
Australian Travel Blogs and Bloggers to Watch in 2013
1. A Monkey in Every Tree
This travel blog is an amalgamation of travel information and personal narrative by a Canadian based in Melbourne.
2. A Taste of Travel
Jenny loves exploring markets, trying new tastes and finding fabulous restaurants so if you like travel and food start here. Twitter: Atasteoftravel
3. Betty Loves Blogging
Not by Betty but by Ashlee, an Australian travel blogger obsessed with travel, food and photography.
4. Bitten by the Travel Bug
Nicole is from Adelaide. She used to want to be an air-hostess but then she discovered blogging. Thank heavens. She only just makes it on this travel blog list saying she splits her time between Australia and the UK. Twitter: @nicoletravelbug
5. Bubs on the Move
A new blog by Danielle who’s based in Cairns and focusses on families travelling with a baby or small child. The blog highlights North Queensland, travel health, and travel tips.
6. Clarence Valley Today
A daily photo blog about life in Northern New South Wales, Australia.
7. Disarm Doors and Crosscheck
Ben Alcock lives in rural New South Wales, not too far from me in South East Queensland. He’s a traveller, story-teller, problem solver, game show contestant and dad.
8. Don’t Ever Look Back
Amy and Kieron are two young travelers from Melbourne who are currently on a long-term travel adventure that began in Hawaii. Lucky things. They live in Melbourne now. Twitter: @amzkiz
9. Emerald City to Oz
A Sydney travel blog written by expats from Seattle.
10. Perth and Other Places
Photo rich travel blog about Western Australia.
11. Going Anyway
An incredible traveling family of seven.
12. Hiking in Heels
Hiking in Heels is about the adventures of Leah, an American girl living, working and travelling in Australia who blogs about fashion, travel, and culture.
13. Housesitting in Australia
Nikki’s travel blog is a guide to house-sitting and a story of adventures on a budget.
14. Indie Travel Podcast
Join Linda and Craig for your award-winning travel listening pleasure. Twitter: @indietravel
15. In Search of a Life Less Ordinary
By Russell, a British expat and writer living in Sydney by the ocean, who lived in Canada by mountains and snow, and writes about his search for a different way of life. Twitter: RussellVJWard
16. Journey Jottings
Linda is a cartographer who makes the most gorgeous maps like the one pictured up top. Read Linda’s blog and drool over her pictures. If you’re planning a trip round Australia or looking for a gift for an Aussie traveler you can’t go wrong with a Journey Jottings map. Twitter: @journeyjottings
17. Little Grey Box
Can’t find out much about this travel blog but it looks interesting and hopefully the blogger is in Australia.
18. New Life on the Road
Lisa is sharing her new life on the road with her husband and five boys. That’s a lot of testosterone to contend with. She bought a bus on Ebay for their Australian overland travels. Twitter: @NewLifeOnRoad
19. Our Oyster
James is an Aussie and Jade is a Canadian expat who live in Brisbane and will be welcoming their first baby into the world in 2013. I wonder if they will call is Jasper, or Jasmine. Stay tuned on Our Oyster. Twitter: Our_Oyster
20. Paying Ready Attention
Mark is a bird-watcher, biologist, bush-walker, book lover and ex-pat from UK who lives in Melbourne. Twitter: Scmonck
21. Perth Daily Photo
A travel blog dedicated to showing the world the beauty of Perth, Western Australia by one of life’s optimists, Gracie.
22. Pretraveller
Anne wants to help travellers to plan their vacations, so they can depart and travel feeling confident well prepared. Twitter: Pretraveller
23. Positive World Travel
Ant and Elise are turning long-term travel into the ultimate lifestyle and want to inspire you to live the life you’ve always wanted on their travel blog. Twitter: Positivetravel
24.Red Nomad Oz
Only I know Red’s real name and I’m not telling. Her epic travels around Australia make me want to hit the road too. Tourism Australia should be paying this woman handsomely. Twitter: @rednomadoz
25. Roaming Tales
Caitlin is a journalist and writer who’s returned to Sydney after seven years in London and San Francisco. Twitter: @niltiac
26. Rocky Travel
Michela helps passionate travelers like her make their travel in Australia a memorable experience. She’s got everything covered so independent travelers can get sorted and enjoy. Twitter: @rockytravel
27. Sharkaroo
Fun Australian travel blog name by a couple who are currently travelling Australia.
28. SheGoes
Emma started her publishing career at the tender age of six, writing letters to the fairies that lived in the garden beside her Dad’s shed. And now she blogs about travel and other loves.
29. Sweet Wayfaring
Joan shares photos about travels a day or two beyond the beautiful Blue Mountains in New South Wales where she lives and sometimes ventures further into the vast and beautiful land of Australia.
30. Sydney – City and Suburbs
Heaps of photos every day.
31. Sydney Eye
Another fun photo blog.
32. Sydney with Kids
By Seana Smith, author of Sydney for Under Fives, mother of four and Scottish expat who knows Sydney inside out is funny too, which I love. Plus I got to design her blog so it’s double love. Twitter: Seana_Smith
33. The Dropout Diaries
A food and travel blog by Barbara, a career girl who dropped out, moved to Asia, found love and had a deliciously funny baby.
34. The Life That Broke
By Lauren Fritsky, (love that name!) an American living in Sydney. Lauren hails from Philadelphia and blogs about expat life, travel and writing. Twitter: @LaurenFritsky
35. The Road to Anywhere
Dean Wickham is a self-confessed travelholic (or should that be travelaholic?!) who lives in Brisbane and travels when ever and where ever he can to experience as much of life as possible. Twitter: @roadtoanywhere
36. The Travel Tart
Anthony says he doesn’t take himself too seriously but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. Especially if you want to have a travel-themed laugh. Anthony also lives near(ish) me in Brisbane and we’ve met in real life a few times which was a real pleasure. Twitter: @thetraveltart
37. Travel Wonders
Mark is another Sydneysider and committed Australian travel blogger who takes great photos. Twitter: TravelWonders
38. Travel Outback Australia
Gary and Amanda have travel advice from real outback locals for people who want to explore outback Australia independently. I know that will come in handy some time. Twitter: @TravelOutbackOz
39. Traveller in Oz
Nikki is exploring Australia on her beautiful yellow Honda on a journey through fascinating Australia.
40. World Travel Family
Well traveled Alyson and family live in Post Douglas, Tropical North Queensland and blog about Australia and their overseas travels.
41. World Wandering Kiwi
Kiwi Natasha lives in Melbourne trying to make the pages of the atlas real one step at a time. Twitter: NvGtravels
42. Y Travel Blog
Caroline and Craig have traveled there, done that and are blogging it all. They’re from Australia and living in New South Wales right now. Twitter: @YTravelBlog
43. ZigaZag
Johanna Castro has lived in 11 different countries and visited many more but blogs mainly about South West Australia where she lives – not so very far from Perth. Twitter: JohannaACastro
But wait! There’s one more…

Annabel Candy: web designer, shameless middle-aged bikini wearer and part-time poser.
Me – Annabel Candy, proud holder of British and New Zealand passports, Australian resident living in Noosa, Queensland and travel blogger since 2009. Want more? Add Get In the Hot Spot to your RSS feed or subscribe by email then join me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Thank you.
Please leave a comment if I missed your travel blog and you live in Australia, or if you know a travel blogger who lives in Australia and isn’t listed.
And of course if you like the Australian Travel Blogs and Bloggers to Watch in 2013 list share it on Twitter and Facebook. Thank you.
Which are your favorites Australian travel blogs or bloggers and who’s missing?
Usually I have a no links in the comments rule but let’s break the rules here – feel free to leave links, even if they’re to your own travel blog but only if you live in Australia. Otherwise we’ll be here forever.
Thanks for keeping me on your fabulous list Annabel! I hope we can meet next time I’m home. I’m hoping to get back to the Sunshine Coast in February. :-)
Hi Barbara,
Hope to see you here :)
Oi! I’m an Aussie to the bone even if I do spend too much time in London =P
Thank you so much for including me on this list with such other fabulous bloggers. =) xox.
Hi Nicole,
Well, you just got to make sure you keep living here :)
Our site will be launching in 2013. Hope to get on this list next year ;)
Me too :)
Hi Annabel – your list last year was essential reading when we were preparing to launch Every Daydream Holiday.
So if you’re looking for #44, we humbly submit the recently launched www.everydaydreamholiday.com – run by two Aussies who met in London and dream of a holiday that never ends.
Keep the great posts coming!
Hi Jacob,
Just stick with it and hope to get you on the list next year :)
There are a few here I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting before, so thanks so much Annabel for compiling this list of Aussie Awesomeness :)
One more for the pot – You’ve missed Kristin’s site:
Hi Linda,
Thanks for the addition, and the pic!
Thanks so much for including me, Annabel! I’m so chuffed :) Amazing how the travel blogging scene has proliferated since last year. It was great to meet you in real person in Melbourne this year, and thanks for having me as your ‘roomie’ for the ProBlogger event. I can’t wait to see what 2013 holds for the Aussie blogosphere, and I’m all out blogging about Western Australia next year, with a bit of inspiration thrown in – thanks to you!
Hi Johanna,
That’s brilliant news :)
Agree and love most of these!
Hi Kristina,
Thanks for the suggestion, will be keeping an eye on it.
A great list Annabel….yeah for Aussie travel bloggers! I’ll certainly be catching up on those that are new to me over the Christmas break. Thank you for including me amongst so many great blogs.
Hi Jenny,
You’re welcome!
Annabel, thanks for including me on your list! As a newcomer to the travel blogging scene it is great for the work I have been doing to be recognised.
I wanted to also say thank you for your A-Z blogging series which ran earlier this year – I really tried to put your information to use in my articles every week. Two key articles which really stick out in my memory which have significantly helped were your SEO and writing headlines articles.
I also live in Brisbane like many of the other bloggers you mentioned so may be should try to catch up sometime.
Hi Anne,
Definitely love to catch up with you some day and thanks for mentioning my blogging tips at Successful Blogging. Those A-Z Blogging Tips are here:
Thank you so much for including me on your list again!! I live in FEAR of dropping off … Over the Xmas break I look forward to checking out some great new reads!!!
And one day I’ll make it to lovely Noosa so we can meet …
Hi Red,
You’re a sticker. My money’s on that you’ll be here again next year :)
I’ve been a travel blogger for years, and an Aussie even longer.
Hi Ian,
Hope to get you on the list next year :)
Hi Annabel, I don’t blog about Australia, most of my readers aren’t Australian, and I know I’m disadvantaged by living in Sydney, but frugalfirstclasstravel.com is all Australian! If I pretend I’m from Queensland will you put me on the list next year?
Great list though – there are some fantastic blogs listed.
Hi Jo,
You are in good company with plenty of Sydneysiders.
Glad to have made it to the list! I’ll enjoy checking out all the others on the list.
I live in Australia, but my blog is about all my travels…Australia and the rest of the world, mostly Italy, where we have a house. Do I qualify?
Hi Debra,
You do.
Thanking you heaps Annabel for including us in your list. Never realised there was so many Australian travel bloggers :)
Hi Lisa,
We are growing in number :)
I’m originally from Hornsby, moved to the UK about 6 years ago. Does that mak me an Aussie travel blogger???
Hi Shane,
No mate, you have to live here!
I was not aware there are so many australian travel bloggers! A great pleasure to be on this list. Thanks for compiling it. Hope to meet you in person one day! :)
Happy Holidays!
Gosh, I’ve never been listed in anything before! Thanks so much Annabel, we should be starting our huge family travel adventure this year, so I’ll try to make us worthy of being ” one to watch”.
Hi Alyson,
Sounds good.
My travel blog about our family holiday to Cuba via Paris. Still more to post giving tips to other travelers.
Hi Corinne,
That sounds like a great adventure :)
Annabel, I’m honoured to be on your list for a second year! Thanks for including my blog and others I’ve yet to discover. Happy Holidays!
Hi Annabel,
I’ve been a professional travel writer for about 20 years, but I’m a newbie when it comes to blogging, having launched mine only about six months ago. I was thrilled that today WordPress selected one of my posts (albeit not a travel one!) for Freshly Pressed…blogging is my new passion!
Thanks for compiling the list – a lot there to spend time looking at over the Christmas break! If I can add mine to the list of potentials for next year – www.aglasshalf-full.com. I’m also Brisbane-based (moved back earlier this year after 7 years in Melbourne) but am also a proud holder of a New Zealand passport. Merry Christmas to you!
Thanks for including me on the list Annabel, and am hoping to travel plenty in 2013. You’ve provided my holiday reading here!! Have a very jolly time over the next few days and hope you can take it easy.
We MUST do a wee adventure just you and I and our two girls… a wee cruise???
I would love to be on your list one day. I have signed up for your blog and will check out the bloggers you have mentioned. I will also go back through your archives. Thank you for all your hard work.
Hope to have my travel blog up and running by Feb 2013! Look forward to reading all of the above. Off to Melbourne, then Horsham for a week! Flat, hot, dry, did I say flat, hot and dry? It’s been 38 to 43 degrees most days this past week!
Have you checked out The Global Goddess? www.theglobalgoddess.com – a single woman’s journey…
Hi Annabel. Could you add my travel blog to your list? I’m a freelance travel writer based in Melbourne – I write for newspapers and magazines, along with Lonely Planet guidebooks.
My weekly travel blog, Aerohaveno, has been running since 2008 at:
Tim Richards
Absolutely Tim – thanks for swinging by :)
Great list! You may want to include our iPhoneography Travel Blog too ;)
Thrilled to be included this year, even if I’m a Kiwi :) Didn’t realise you’re a NZ passport holder – hope we get to meet again in 2013 x
Hi Annabel,
This looks like a great list. Thanks for compiling it. I am a travel writer and photographer and I recently started a travel blog, which I update weekly. It’s about travel in Australia and overseas, with a focus on hiking, cycling and volunteering. I occasionally write other stuff, but there’s always a travel angle. I hope I can be included on your list next year. www.kgrahamjourneys.wordpress.com/blog
Merry Christmas!
Fantastic list – thank you so much.
Hi Annabel,
I’d love to be on your list. www.eatdrinkandbekerry.blogspot.com
I blog about food news, reviews and gourmet travel for Brisbane and beyond.
Thanks for including me on your list, Annabel. Much appreciated!
Happy New year Annabel – hope that 2013 is fabulous for you! Love this list, though with a notable exception ;-)
www.travelboatinglifestyle.com – An online magazine style blog for those that aspire to travel and boating lifestyles…
Thanks for mentioning me in a list of Australian Travel Blogs and Bloggers – again! ;P Would be good to meet up with the characters in this list!
Hey Anna, I’m an Australian with a blog too!
I’m sort of all over the shop at the moment, but my stuff’s at my mum’s place in Lismore, NSW, so does that count as “based in Australia”? :p
Anyhoo, my blog is The Bearded Wanderer (travel.willjackson.com.au).
Hi Annabel
Thanks for publishing such a great list. I see some familiar faces including Johanna @ZigaZag, Jenny @atasteoftravel, and Amanda and Gray @TravelOutbackOz.
Looks like Aussie travel bloggers are on the rise.
I am an Aussie from Perth and I run a city guide called Perth Walkabout – An Insider’s Guide to Perth – where to go, what to do, and where to find it.
We welcome guest posts from Aussie bloggers so if anyone is interested, feel free to send me a line through the contact form at Perth Walkabout. We would be happy to get the word out about your Aussie travel blog through a guest post.
Hi Annabel, can I be a pain and make mention that I’m Gary and not Gray :), also we have moved domain across to traveloutbackaustralia.com , no hypens! Thanks for publishing the list…great to see how broad a group we are! cheers
Hi Gary,
Got that, thanks for mentioning it!
Annabel, great to see a list out there of Australian travel bloggers!
I’m new to the scene but enjoying a great success across social media outlets,
website: www.worldofwanderlust.com
Greatly appreciated!!! Brooke
Hello Annabel,
Wow! I check my refers regularly and noticed quite a few coming through from your site. You have no idea how excited I was to see my blog, littlegreybox, appear on your site.
The listing mentioned you don’t know much about me, well that’s okay – I’m here to tell you :)
I live in Brisbane, Australia and absolutely love to travel, write and experience new things. Thank you so much for including me on the list.
We left Australia in May 2012 and have been travelling non-stop for the last ten months with 2 kids – 2 & 4 yrs old. You can say we are still based in Australia as we have a home there and plan on coming back eventually, but for now it’s non-stop travel fun.
My name is Erin and I run a travel blog TravelWithBender.com.
Travel With Bender is a rapidly growing family travel blog focused on providing useful tips for families who travel with young children. While travelling with toddlers ourselves we are interested in presenting the best locations, attractions and costs of each place we visit. We target parents with small children & couples who are about to have children.
If you need to know where to take your kids and how much it cost and how long it took come check us out… There is some adult fun in there too :D
Might I suggest grum and Kacy’s wgopn?
They’re a really cool Perth couple that has been running this travel site for a while
And me!!!
Great list! Will need to check some of these finds out!
Hi Annabel,
I’m a Sydneysider currently residing once again in Sydney. I’ve been writing my travel blog Chasing the Wild for over a year now, I’d love for you to check it out :)
Hi I’m a travel blogger now based in Melbourne. My blog is called Kapcha The World. www.kapchatheworld.com
Aw, Annabel, you left me off the list again. Just what does an Aussie blogger have to do to enjoy the candy? :-)
Aw Rob! Sorry I will make sure you’re on the next one!!
Awesome! Currently adding all of these to my Bookmarks – I will have a lot of to do over the weekend haha! Check out my site www.fourseasonsoftravel.com – and maybe next time I will be added to your list! :)
I would love to be considered if you update your blogs to watch article.
I run a luxury travel blog – Based in Australia and write about Australia (and other destinations).
Thanks for sharing this data of australian blogger. I am greatful to you.