Why Social Media Rules: Readers Sponsor My Trip to BlogWorld in Vegas
I’ve been dying to go to BlogWorld for months. I want to feast my eyes on 4,000 bloggers of all shapes, sizes, colors, talents and interests. I want to meet as many of my readers, blogging buddies and blogging heroes as I can. I want to experience the world’s biggest social media conference and learn as much as I possible.
Most of my friends don’t know what a blog is, but since I’m obsessed with blogging I crave time to talk to with people who get social media, who understand my love of it and are equally afflicted. But I really couldn’t excuse going to BlogWorld. My blog hasn’t made much money yet because:
1. I’ve only tried to make money three times by selling affiliate products.
2. I don’t want to plaster my blog with ugly adverts.
3. My focus has been on making me and my readers happy, not making money.
Why Ask For Reader Help Getting to BlogWorld?
I don’t need my readers to pay my boring bills, but I asked them to help me finance a non-essential expense, and above all show me that I’m doing the right thing here. These are the main reasons:
- I tried at length to get corporate sponsorship and didn’t succeed in time. I hoped asking readers to donate, and offering their donations to charity if a corporate got involved, would help me find a sponsor.
- I’ve barely earned anything from this blog because I’ve hardly tried to, so I probably shouldn’t spend money on my blog and going to BlogWorld.
- I’m guilt ridden. A good mother would stay home with her three children and husband. Not flit off to Las Vegas, spending the family money on such frivolous behaviour. I think partly I was asking for permission to go, to know that my readers heard, understood and supported my dream. Having some money to pay for the trip would also help cover the big costs and assuage my guilt.
- I’ve worked hard on my blog, helping hundreds of people and I hoped readers would support my crazy dream.
- Money’s a great motivator. I write a lot about motivation because like all of us I struggle with it. Every time you see me write about motivation and egging you on to keep trying and persevere you can bet I’m writing that for myself. Knowing that readers appreciate my work here enough to pay for it is a great motivator.
I’m Going to BlogWorld!
I always say don’t use exclamation marks on your blog, but this is the exception. I’m feeling truly blessed. Guilty, yes, but still blessed, lucky, inspired, happy and excited. I didn’t raise $5,000 but it turns out I didn’t need that much. Here’s why:
1. I got enough donations and sold enough consultation packages to pay for my flight from Australia to Las Vegas, and that was the major expense. The flights turned out to be cheaper than I thought, plus I had some air miles from my business flights to Shanghai (paid for by Coca-Cola) and I discovered I could use those to further reduce the cost. The donations ranged from $10 to $125 for a blog or Internet marketing consultation.
2. Readers offered to let me stay with them free. Accommodation, the second big expense, was taken care of when I got an amazing offer from Amy Parmenter, an award-winning journalist, inspirational blogger and BlogWorld speaker, who said she’s got her room booked and I can share it. Amazing isn’t it? Fancy sharing your room with someone you’ve never met before. But Amy’s an amazing person. Her blog, Parm Farm, is about the spirit of sharing and caring and she’s walking the walk.
Amy isn’t alone in her generosity. My Twitter friend, Sally had me for a sleepover at her house when I went to the Problogger conference. Once again, I couldn’t have attended without that help.
Plus, after the conference ends, (I have to stay a few more nights to get the cheap flights), another friend says I can stay in her timeshare because she needs to use a few nights up before they expire.
3. Overwhelming reader support helped me follow my dream. It wasn’t just donations that helped. I got so many lovely emails, comments, tweets and Joshua Noerr even wrote a blog post to help me. So with flights and accommodation covered I’ve added to the fund and paid for the conference ticket, also cheaper than I thought. If you buy BlogWorld tickets before 16 Sep and use the EBIRD code you can get them for $719 instead of $1195.
I’ve got a huge copy writing job on and that’ll help cover other expenses. I’ll be working extra hard in the run up to my trip, and after, but it’s worth it. I hope at Christmas when my kids are on school holidays for six weeks I’ll be able to take time off to be with them. I feel guilty about working and not spending as much time with them as I used to but guilt seems to be part of the parenting experience.
What About Charity?
I’m still seeking a corporate sponsor so the charitable donation is pending. Any amount donated now, no matter how much or how little, will now go to charity. I hope this will happen.
In the mean time, on behalf of you and the Get In the Hot Spot team, I’ve followed the inspiring example of my generous readers and taken a leap of faith. I’ve signed up with Kiva and loaned $250 to Sophia Akinyi, a small business woman in Kenya who could use a break. There’s a massive gulf between her life and mine but my thinking about travel and social priviledge is similar to Chris Guillebeau’s.
When this blog is profitable I’ll make supporting charity an integral part of the blog and a long term commitment. I currently donate my time to charity but I want to donate cash too because charities need it.
Would I ask for Donations again?
Probably not. It’s uncomfortable, which is why I took so long to do it. I tried it because I know it worked for Leo Babauta and, although many said it was a waste of time, I wanted to try it and see for myself.
But it’s strange. On one hand I feel beholden to the people who donated to me, on the other hand I know they did it because they appreciate the value I give them, and are happy to repay me for that. I’ll be mentioning them on my blog in the coming months in one way or another, along with other bloggers who’ve helped me in other ways or whose blogs will help you.
Yes, the experiment was a success but the ideal way for me to make money is by selling products or services on your blog. That has always been my plan and that’s what I’ll do. All being well, my book, Successful Blogging in 12 Simple Steps, will be out next month. I also need to do more affiliate reselling of products that I totally believe in and recommend. In fact, I’m going to start right now.
Can You Join Me in BlogWorld?
BlogWorld is in Las Vegas from 14th – 16th October. If there’s any way you can make it I want to meet you. If you’re considering it you can buy tickets from here if you like – it’s an affiliate link. I doubt I’ll sell enough to recoup the cost of my $719 ticket but every little helps.
Please leave me a comment if you’re coming (no matter how you buy your tickets) so we can work out how to meet.
There are several different options for tickets and you don’t have to come every day and buy the most expensive ticket. But I think if you’re going all the way there from Australia especially you should. Find out about tickets and save 20% on BlogWorld registration with the code “EBIRD.
If you can’t come don’t worry. I will be giving you the full story, so you can work out if it’s something you’d like to go to another year.
Many Many Thanks to All My Readers, Supporters and Social Media Friends
Thanks to all of you for your amazing support, generosity and positivity. I’m so excited about the way my blog is growing and evolving and looking forward to sharing with you more.
I think this proves there are many amazing, supportive and kind people on social media and Get In the Hot Spot is an exceptional community.
The best part of all this is instead of being sponsored by a company my readers sponsored me personally and made this happen. That’s empowering for all of us.
What’s Coming on Get In the Hot Spot?
I’m going to work my butt off for the next five weeks so I can make sure my paying clients are provided for, my fridge and freezer well-stocked for the family, and my blog posts written while I’m away. I also have a lot of work to do on my book – editing and getting it formatted beautifully so the reading experience will be as good as the content.
The blog will be back to business as usual from now on. Amongst other things I have two more posts in the Blog Writing Magic series, some excellent guest posts lined up and some wonderful blogs to share with you.
Find Out More About BlogWorld
Who’s speaking at BlogWorld 2010?
Register for BlogWorld before 9/16 and save up to 25% off your Full Access Pass
Photo credit: Dawnzy58
Bravo! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you.
I know your motto is to do something scary everyday, and I’m sure learning about that from you. You are awesome. And, you gave the minute by minute review of the process so we could all learn together along the way.
Now, about the guilt thing….
Thank you so much Sandra, for bravely kick-starting the comments and mentioning the fear thing. I was even thinking about turning the comments off here in case I get bad comments but decided not to be so cowardly and spoil our fun. You know what they say, fortune favors the brave:)
Now if I could learn to get over caring what other people think and handle the guilt all would be perfect!
Glad to hear things are working out better than initially. Loved to head to BlogWorld to meet people, but it’s getting close to the time where I would have a temporary sabbatical in Asia. Have fun!
Hi Stanley, great to hear you have exciting plans too:) Thanks for your wishes, I hope we all have fun. We must, that’s what life’s all about.
Congrats. Annabel! I’m really excited for you. Make sure you take lots of pics and vids.
Hi Michael, thank you so much for being happy about my good fortune. I’ll be sharing the love and if you want pics and vids I’ll see what I can do:)
Wow.. Donations? ..you just proved that giving lots of value is definitely the way to go. I wish you the best in Blog World – hope you enjoy it.
Can’t wait to hear stories..
Talk soon
Hi Hector, I also did some consultations. Thank you! I hope I’ll have a few good yarns to spin for you:)
Go get ’em girl… just remember us when you’re famous!!
Really happy for you and congratulations on your entrepeneurial spirit…
Hi Helen, lol, thank you, really appreciate your generous spirit too!
Hi Annabel
Well, I have to hand it to you Annabel, your transparency is breathtaking, thank you for sharing the lessons learned from this experience.
Congratulations on achieving a successful outcome, to which we look forward to hearing from you in the blogosphere, near or far.
Hi Catherine, thank you comrade in blogging:)
Fantastic! 1. That you get to go to BlogWorld 2. That you will share lots of it with us 3. That you are so refreshingly genuine, open and authentic.
Have a great time. Leave the guilt at home and enjoy.
Hi Suellen, really appreciate that and you follow the rule of 3:) Yes, guilt be gone!
Here in Atlanta, it is very early, and now my day can start off great. Congrats Annabel, you earned it!
Hi Joshua, thanks so much, your support has been wonderful. It’s amazing to think it all grew out of me leaving you a comment in the first place:)
Annabel, I have only recently discovered your blog and to be honest you come across as an amazing person, and I think you deserve all the generousity that you have received. You put out there amazing content and in return people show their appreciation, so please don’t feel guilty about asking.
The second point I’ll like to make is that your experience shows that are many good people out there. People who care, I am sure this will be an experience that will live with you forever.
Well done Annabel.
Hi Peter, thanks for visiting and leaving us a comment. I guess you found me via my blog post on Copyblogger:) Such wonderful feedback because it really will live with me forever – and hopefully all of us – this is only the beginning of our adventures!
Annabel, best 6am news all over the web, really! I am so happy – I read that line “I am coming to Blogworld” and had to make sure I was awake and reading YOUR post! I am simply thrilled for you – and as you know, I will be there for the entire sessions and I count on us meeting. I am sure we will chat before then…..safe travels and don’t kill yourself before then! Remember balance all your hard work with some play – and definitely some celebration of your blogworld trip success :)!
Hi Farnoosh, I know you’ll be there so so excited to see a familiar face from my comments. I think knowing you would be there tipped me over the edge and made me doubley determined to get there:) I can’t wait to meet you.
Yes, I remember our first chat on this….I am so excited for you – and would love to meet you or go to some sessions together or just see your smiling face! How can you focus on work til October, I wonder? ;)!
Ok, I haven’t finished reading this post, but I must say something now regarding #3: guilt ridden: Happy mums, make happy kids… no point trying to make anybody else happy… they will always find a way to not feel happy. So why not spend the efforts on YOU!!!… = }
Finished reading your blog now. I AM SOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU and for your family and for all of us who enjoy your journey as much as you are.
I am so impressed by Amy Parmenter. Thanks for sharing life Annabel.
Hi Taty, lol, I know. I always tell mums to look after themselves first and I do. But I feel a bit guilty at times! My mum will be very disapporoving when she hears! Oh well, I’m happy and I hope I’m setting a good example to my kids to be adventurous, strike out for what you want and hang out with splendid people:)
Who dares really does Win ;)
Well done for wearing your heart on your sleeve and asking ~
Look forward to buying your book ~ How about taking pre-orders for that?
Hi Linda, thank you! No preorders… I want to get it done first. Then I can relax and sell it knowing it’s perfect. You know I’m also dreaming of a camper van (a big one) and one of your lovely maps for a road trip around Australia. That will happen one day too. I know it.
So nice to see that you made it! I´ll be waiting for your news about the event, like many of your readers. I can understand your guilt as a mom about doing it, but nice example you are giving to all mothers out there. It´s all about having a great time and inspiring others to do the same.
Hi Marilia, thank you thank you thank you! We have to do it don’t we, guilt or no!
I am doing the HAPPY DANCE just for you Annabel – I am so thrilled for you – but so sad that we wil miss the opportunity to connect when Im up you way at the same time your in LV!!!!
Have a fantastic time – learn heaps-make wonderful connectins and enjoy the experience – you have earned it!!!
Hi Leanne, lol, happy dances all round. I know we’ll get to meet here in Australia. That will be amazing too. Thanks so much for helping and all your well wishes, it really is overwhelming in a brilliant way!
Well, I am so excited for you! (rotten %$&&*&). No really, I mean it! You did something great here and your readers have shown how much you mean to them!
I am excited for you, even though I can’t go (##%^ &&* @$##). Have fun! (while I continue to slog it out and feel like ^&&*%%$)
Seriously Annabel, this is great. It shows what can be done if you dream big enough and try hard enough!
Lol, thanks Steve, I know it’s annoying! But the point really is that we can make anything happen if we want to. I know you can too:) Look forward to watching it:) And thank you!
I am so happy for you and inspired by you! Rock on, blog on… look out Las Vegas!
Hi Sally, hehe, I will be a bit tired but hope to shake things up a bit never-the-less! Thanks so much for getting behind me, helping make it happen and then congratulation me. You and all my readers should be celebrating this. We made it happen together with or without corporate sponsors:)
Hi Annabel,
I was so thrilled when I saw your tweet that you were actually going to BlogWorld. You included us emotionally in your seemingly impossible desire to go to the otherside of the world on the shoulders of your friends and readers. To actually achieve that goal is exhilarating for us all and proves dreaming big is so worthwhile.
I am also really pleased to hear that people like Amy Parmenter are still out there ready to offer lodging for someone she has never met in person.
Enjoy this time of your life, there is magic in the air around you.
Kind regards
Hi Tony, thank you, that’s a wonderful comment. I love this bit “there is magic in the air around you”. It’s true, there is magic – the amazing Get In the Hot Spot community:) You’re all magic and have set a great example to me and everyone I think:)
Congrats Annabel. I’ll see you there. I arrive on the Tuesday after an epic journey from my little island in the Atlantic. I’m one of the panellists at the “Blogging as a Business” panel on the Saturday, but I’m sure we’ll say hello before then.
Hi Mike, whoo hooo, we will meet. Yes, I will come to hear you speak but I want to see you too. So exciting and congrats on being on a panel too. That’s fantastic!
Hi Annabel,
This is my first comment here. I am exploring your archives and i am amazed that i miss so many great tips from you. But it’s never too late to get started and i want to confess i am your loyal reader from now on.
Have a good trip to the Blog world Expo. I am pretty sure that you will have a lot to share with us when you are back. Talk soon.
Hi Lye, welcome to our amazing team, thank you so much for joining us and leaving your first comment. It’s great to have you here with us and I’ll be doin my best to bring you the hottest tips I can no matter what I get up to:)
Congrats Annabel. I guess it’s true what they say “ask and ye shall receive”. (Matthew 7:7)
Have a great trip and take lots of notes so you can share your adventure with us.
Hi Annette, it did happen here:) Thank you so much for your supporrt and well wishes. I will be keeping your posted!
I’m not going to BlogWorld, but I live in Las Vegas and would love to get together for coffee if you have time. I’d also be willing to show you some of the sites beyond the Strip if you’re interested.
Hi JoAnna, you live in Vegas! Yes, lt’s get together after the conference – Monday or Tuesday when all the blogging shenanigans are over. Your blog looks fabulous and I do want to see some of the sights. Thank you!
Hey Annabel, What a mission you’ve been on and wow, mission accomplished. I will be at Blogworld too and really hope that I see you in Vegas. Maybe, you, me and Farnoosh can go out on the town! Can’t wait.
Hi Katie, it’s a date:) Can’t wait!
Annabel! Happy for you, happy for me and happy for BlogWorld. Thanks for the shoutout. We are going to have some f-u-n! Of course we will have to approve any pictures taken of each other BEFORE posting. :0)
See You in Vegas!
Amy Parmenter
The ParmFarm.com
Hi lovely room mate! lol about the photos. That’s the big problem with social media. These days what happens in Vegas won’t stay in Vegas. So we will have to be good… or at least make sure there are no cameras around!
You are the snowflake that caused an avalanche. I’M GOING!!
Can’t wait to see you there. I’m staying at the Luxor. Let’s start planning the fun!
(Huge, big smiles)
Hi Jen, brilliant!!! Luxor is next door. I think we’re starting to amass an amazing little posse of wonderful women:) Can’t wait to really meet you!
I can’t believe you did it! Wait a minute, yes I can!
You do give so much to your community here, you have done so much for me in a short time, I am GLAD you get to go!
I don;t know if you remember, but you challenged me to find a conference in or around atlanta, and I am happy to say I am attending A-type Mom Bloggers conference in Asheville, NC, which is a 4 hour drive for me. Thanks for encouraging me to go!
And you know that we are going to expect you to share lots of good stuff when you return?
Hi Bernice, that is such an amazing story. I’m so proud of you. I know you’ll meet some great women. Hehe, yes, I will be sharing! I hope you will too:)
Oh that is brilliant!!! I know I am going to love following your adventure!!!
Hi se7en, thank you! I’ll have to find a few quiet corners to do some writing in:) And maybe lot of photos too…
Hey! Congratulations!! As a new subscriber I’ve been watching your quest with interest. Got to get over the guilt thing though – what better way to celebrate your kids by having amazing experiences that enrich their lives? And head towards that great travel-around-OZ trip – that will be so great for all of you!!
Look forward to hearing about your trip in future posts!
Hi Marion, thank you!!! I do have their best interests at heart:)
You’re amazing Anabel and truly an inspiration. I can’t believe you’ve got the funds you need to cover airfares, it just goes to show you how the positivity that you generate has paid itself forwards. And you have been rewarded in return for all your hard work. Can’t wait to read your blog post about the trip upon your return, but above all, have a great time!
Hi BA, it is incredible isn’t it? I’m so grateful to everyone:)
This is an awesome article. I struggle the most with headlines. I think it’s a little bit of the “testing” syndrome. KWIM? When you know that a test really counts for something, you freeze. Like SATs! I know the headline is so important so I overthink it.
We definitely DO have to meet. I absolutely LOVE your blog. And you are using my favorite color. Orange!!! I am going to be reading your blog all day I think. See you at BWE!!!
(btw, you can delete the comment before this on this post. Was supposed to be for the headline post..it’s still early. LOL!)
Hi Michele,
Thanks for swinging by and leaving a comment. Well two! No, I will never delete one of your comments:) Unless you really want me too… Great to hear you like the blog and wonderul to meet another mummy blogger! We need to have a meeting place for all of us. I can’t wait.
Congratulations, or, as we Jews say, mazel tov! Annabel, if there’s anyone who could pull this off, it’s you. Sheesh, woman, you just go out in the world and DO stuff.
Also, I love Amy! Figures she’s involved.
Hi Kate, I like that mazel tov! Thank you:) Yes, here’s to the amazing Amy. You should come too.. only a short flight:)
Hello! I’m planning on being at BlogWorld Thursday and Friday. It will be my first time. I hardly believe it and am hoping everything goes according to plan to get me there.
What an incredible story. It’s amazing that your readers appreciate you enough to get you from Australia to Vegas.
Enjoy your time and please do let us know how it went.
So glad to hear you’re going to be able to make it BW. Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it this year due to my busy schedule so I’ll be looking forward to reading what you have to say about it here on your blog.
Hi Annabel,
Congratulations on making it to Blog World! I was hoping to be able to go but I am going to wait until next year. I look forward to reading more about your journey.
A good mother experiences all she can in life so that she may pass on her wisdom to her little terrors ;) Go girly!
I’m obviously a little late on commenting, but GO YOU!! I recently did a donation-thing on my blog and while it was definitely uncomfortable, my readers pitched in and I raised a total of $800 towards a new computer (my 6-year-old Dell died a slow and painful death). So loyal readers can be an amazing, AMAZING group of people. You are lucky to have some great fans behind you.
That all said, I have one comment. Do NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES start talking about yourself as a bad mother. To be honest, that comment felt like a punch to the gut. I’m with Teresa on this one, “a good mother experiences all she can in life.” You’re not abandoning your children for something frivolous, you’re taking a huge step in your business. And on that note, you’re not abandoning your children at all. How long will you be gone for? Doesn’t sound like it’d be more than a week. My mom left me and my brothers for a month so she could travel solo through Syria. A completely “frivolous” adventure that makes my mother the kind of person I look up to. Being that person for your children is the farther thing from being a bad mother I could possibly think of. Plus, absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? ;-)
Also, P.S. I’m not going to BlogWorld but I AM moving to your side of the world soon and I’ll buy you something yummy and we can meet in person :)
Wow! I had no idea of your story!
I totally would’ve gotten you a room at the HGI Las Vegas for free if I’d read this earlier.
Again, it was lovely to meet you :) Look forward to doing it again!