
  • Remember Learning to Ride a Bike?

    When was the last time you got a certificate in recognition of your achievements? No one's going to give me the Nobel Peace Prize, but that doesn't mean I haven't...Read More

  • 6 Inspiring Dance Videos To Rock Your World

    Six dance videos to inspire and delight you. They may amuse you, surprise you and touch you too, plus they're examples of people using the dance to change

    Just watching these dancers fills me with hope, energy and enthusiasm and that's got to be a good thing. I hope they'll have the same effect on you....Read More

  • Funny Search Engine Terms

    It's time to relax and have a bit of fun. So here are some strange things people have typed into the search engines recently. Even stranger still they then landed...Read More

  • Three Keys To Living Our Dreams

    Thank you to everyone who voted for our new slogan. It was a close call, but Reboot Your Life got pipped to the post so the old tagline stays...Read More

  • Lessons From An African Witchdoctor

    Everyone likes a story with a moral, something that teaches us a lesson. Look at how Aesop's Fables, like The Hare and The Tortoise, have stood the test ...Read More

  • In the Hot Spot Grows

    Do you want to be surrounded by positive people who encourage you to make the best of yourself?...Read More


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